Today we welcome to WOT Meaghan B Murphy as she talks about her exciting new book and her science-backed secrets for embracing every day with a can-do mindset.
Hi! My name is Meaghan B Murphy and I wear a lot of hats. I’m the editor-in-chief of Woman’s Day magazine; co-host of the wellness-focused Off the Gram podcast; a frequent life hacker/DIYer on shows like Today and Live with Kelly & Ryan; author of the new book Your Fully Charged Life: A Radically Simple Approach to Having Endless Energy and Filling Every Day with YAY, but my toughest and most important job, is Mama to Charley Kathleen, 10, James, 8 and Brooks 7, plus our fur baby Dempsey Doodle.
I’m excited to share a little of my new book with you because in it I divulge my science-backed secrets for embracing every day with a can-do mindset that makes alllllll the things possible, especially when the pressures of daily life leave you feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and hiding in the pantry on a Zoom call with a bag of Pizza Goldfish #truestory. I went through some hard times and used myself as a guinea pig to road-test these Fully Charged strategies over the past 20 years, so I know they work. And I’m excited for them to work for YOU, too!
Pick up your copy of Your Fully Charged Life: A Radically Simple Approach to Having Endless Energy and Filling Every Day with YAY today!